Sunaayy's Impact

Empowering children from marginalized and underprivileged households with a childhood replete with nourishment,
health, hygiene and education through a multi-grade sustainable learning system in a safe environment.

Filling the gap between what the Right to Education Act aspires to be and what the ground reality is.

Improved information amongst parents (of migrant and marginalized households) on rights based entitlements

  • Disseminating information about the importance of sending children to school
  • Improving awareness of their children’s Right to Free and Compulsory Education
  • Urging parents to send their children to government schools or Sunnaayy centres to start with

Improved documentation for over-aged enrolment and enrolment of migrant children

  • Inform local school authorities that no child should be turned away due to absence of birth certificate
  • Help households with alternative age of proof documentation

Improved education, nutrition and health results for children of migrant and marginalized households.

Increased classroom attendance and better classroom performance leading to higher transition to formal schools

  • Outdoor centres with outreach to out-of-school children and first-generation learners who would otherwise slip into illegal child labour, drug addiction or other vices
  • New teaching methods – storytelling, puppet shows, and interactive activities to improve student engagement and participation in class
  • Improve child socio-economic awareness using innovative techniques, which leads them to influence their families to send their siblings to our centres
  • Curriculum that focuses on Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) to increase discipline and self-confidence amongst children
  • Set-up of virtual learning centres and SMART classrooms whereby for remote skilled teaching delivery
  • Set-up of mobile education units for areas where centres cannot be established

Well-trained and motivated teaching staff

  • Recruitment of teachers from within the same locality as the children to invoke a sense of responsibility, attachment/bonding, and nurturing qualities 
  • Teacher training and mentorship programmes to promote interactive learning, efficient classroom management, improving the curriculum and better program delivery

Reduced economic burden on households and health risks in children

  • Distribution of freshly cooked hot food and warm blankets
  • Curriculum includes best practices in health, sanitation, and guidelines to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • Pre-school day-care centres which provide mothers with the choice of working which will increase family incomes